Cheap & Reliable
Man & Van
Cheap & Reliable
Man & Van
Professional Home
Professional Home
Easy & Convenient
Student Removals
Easy & Convenient
Student Removals
Safe & Reliable
Motorcycle Transport
Safe & Reliable
Motorcycle Transport
Specialist Protection
Piano Transport
Specialist Protection
Piano Transport
DIY Removals
Self Loading
DIY Removals
Self Loading
Professional & Trustworthy
Packing / Unpacking
Professional & Trustworthy
Packing / Unpacking
Fully Licensed
Rubbish Removals
Fully Licensed
Rubbish Removals


Two to four weeks before your moving day

    Confirm dates with the mover.

    Ask for your boxes, tape and paper to be delivered to your door.

    Book insurance at declared value.

    Packing: If you are planning on doing this yourself, begin at least two weeks before your move. Label boxes with the details of their contents and the room in which they are to be placed at the new address.

    Pack heavy items with the lighter ones; do not over-strain boxes or backs. Sort out rubbish. Sell unused items, or give them away.

    Bank: Notify your bank of your change of address and consider transferring your account to a branch nearer to your home. Don’t forget any items that are retained by the bank for safe keeping.

    Cedit/Store Cards: Fill in the change of address section of your statement when returning it with your payment and also notify any card protection insurers that you may have.

    Schools: Notify your child’s school of their leaving date and advise new school of your new address as soon as possible.

    Pension: Advise your local post office or private scheme of your change of address.

    Insurances: Notify your broker or individual insurance companies: motor, household contents, life and other insurances.

    Driving Licence: Complete section 1 on your licence and return it to DVLC, Swansea, SA99 1BN.

    Doctor/Dentist/Optician: De-register if you are moving away and research alternatives nearer to your new address.

    Post Office: The Post office prefers at least seven days’ notice for the re-direction of your mail. This can only be done over the counter at the post Office.

    TV Licence: Fill in the change of address part of your existing licence.

    Carpets/Curtains: If you are ordering these new, confirm the correct delivery dates.

    Telecommunications/ Mobile Phone Providers: Contact providers including internet account and advise your change of address and the date from which you wish your new number to operate. Try and give at least two weeks’ notice.

    Pets: Make arrangements for friends or family to look after your pets during the move. Arrange for the transfer of your pet’s records to the new vet.

    Clear the loft.

One week before your move

    Electricity: Contact your current supplier and give your meter reading and advise them and your new supplier of when you are to move into your new home. Give at least 48 hours’ notice.

    Gas: The gas market has been open to competition and you can choose your supplier. Again give 48 hours’ notice and give your meter readings.

    Water: At least 48 hours’ notice is required by both your existing and your new authority to arrange for the disconnection and re-connection of supply.

    Milk & papers: Settle outstanding accounts and cancel supplies.

    Children: If possible arrange childcare on the removal day.

Three days before your move

    Pack a bag with a change of clothes, clean bedding and essential toiletries. Include a survival kit for the other end; light bulbs, toilet roll, screwdriver, pliers, paper towels, cash and a note of important telephone numbers. Put this box in the boot of your car. DON’T FORGET THE CELEBRATION BOTTLE OF SOMETHING.

    Ensure you know where and what time to collect the keys for your new home.

Two days before your move

    Empty, defrost and dry out your fridge/freezer if you are moving a distance or if you are placing your effects into store. Do not put food stuffs into store.

    Make sure packets, bottles or jars are sealed with tape to prevent spillage.

    Pack valuables and documents and put in a safe place.

    Resolve parking issues with neighbours. Sort out lift access if you live in flats.

One day to go

    Arrange for refreshments for the next day, bearing in mind that your cooker may be disconnected. Moving is hungry work, so pack a carton of tea and coffee. UHT milk, juice cartons, biscuits, fruit and something filling like Cornish pasties. Also include some cups. Don’t forget the kettle, a saucepan and frying pan.

    Plan the evening meal for move day. It may be easier to eat out or order in.

    Disconnect wifi, PC and TV etc.

    Get a good night sleep and relax.